Do’s and Don’ts of Renting a Dumpster
Renting Dumpsters
Although it’s a relatively simple process to rent a dumpster, there are several important things to consider before and after renting a roll off dumpster. This guide will help ensure you’re getting the right dumpster for your needs and also get the best possible deal.
Call ahead to reserve your dumpster rental. Try to call at least a week in advance.
Wait until the day of the clean-out or renovation to call the dumpster rental company. Rental companies have limited resources, and they may not have a dumpster available for you on that particular day.
Prepare ahead of time. Determine the type of material you plan to dump as well as an approximate amount of it (i.e., square-footage). This will help the rental company determine the right size for your needs.
Call the rental company without a general idea about the quantity of material you plan to put in the dumpster. You may end up getting a dumpster that’s too small or too large, which costs you extra money in the end.
Follow the rental company’s rules and regulations regarding the types of materials that can be dumped.
Throw prohibited items into the dumpster. These items are not only bad for the environment when disposed of improperly, but the rental company may also charge you extra if you don’t follow their rules on prohibited items. The most common dumpster prohibited items include paint, tires and flammable chemicals.
Load the dumpster to the proper height. It allows for a safe and secure load when hauled away.
Overload the dumpster. A dumpster that’s overflowing with material makes it difficult to cover and secure the load when picking up. A dumpster filled with too much material may also exceed the weight limit, which will lead to additional charges from the rental company.
Learn more about renting dumpsters with Waste Solutions 123 by visiting our roll off dumpsters page.