10 Things You Can Do This Earth Day
10 Things to Do this Earth Day & Every Day
April 22nd is Earth Day, an annual event on which events are held worldwide to demonstrate the support of environmental protection. The issue of environmental protection has increased drastically within the last decade, every day we must try to focus on making decisions that help rather than harm our environment. While earth day encourages people to go out and do some good for the planet, we hope these tips will carry on through out the year.
Slow the Flow
A leaking faucet can waste over 1,300 gallons of water per year, a leak from a hot water source wastes water and fossil fuel, which creates more greenhouse gasses. Most repairs to plumbing issues will pay for themselves within the first year, so it’s better to address the situation before it gets worse.
When You Clean Think Green
Cleaning products that contain chlorine or petroleum distillates can expose your family to toxins, which then end up in our ecosystem. Choose products that are nontoxic, and natural, keeping both your family and the environment safe from chemical harm.
Use Both Sides
Each year, pulp mills release over one trillion gallons of tainted water while making paper, rather than wasting paper use both sides! Choose recycled paper, especially processed chlorine free paper.
Maintain Your Machine
Americans waste over 700 million gallons of gasoline yearly just from poorly inflated tires. Million of gallons are wasted daily because their cars are not properly tuned up. By keeping your car running and well maintained, you’ll help reduce emissions.
Dinner Minus Meat
While you may not be a vegetarian or love your greens, trying to have a meat alternative for dinner is a great way to reduce meat consumption, which can help conserve fresh water, save topsoil, and reduce air pollution. Enjoy some pasta with alfredo or marinara sauce, meatless veggie tacos, or even veggie burgers are a great way to get a healthy dinner in while staying green.
Use Your Bike
Whether you walk, run, roller blade, or bike, by occasionally riding a bike for a small errand rather than driving your car, you can save over 70 million gallons of fuel each year! You also get the added benefit of enjoying the fresh air and getting some exercise.
Get to Gardening
In 50 years, a tree generally makes $31,250.00 worth of oxygen, provides nearly $62,000.00 worth of air pollution control, recycles $37,500.00 worth of water, and controls $31,250.00 worth of soil erosion. Not only that but it provides shades that keep our homes and cities cooler! This year try planting a tree in your neighborhood or property and help our environment benefit from all it can give.
Handle the Weeds by Hand
Rather than spraying herbicides all over your weeds, get a pair of gloves and gardening tools and remove them yourself! Herbicides may help when you want to keep your garden weed free, but they are most definitely not environmentally friendly in any way. You should also use natural alternatives to pesticides for getting rid of unwanted pests in your garden.
Lighten Your Energy Bill
Use compact fluorescent lamps or CFLs rather than regular bulbs, CLFs last nearly ten times longer and only use about a quarter of the energy that regular bulbs use. They also produce about 90% less heat, while still producing more light per watt.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Everyone has heard this before, start making the world a greener place by doing simple acts! Return hangers to the cleaners, donate clothing and old electronics, recycle old cell phones and pack your lunch in reusable containers! There are hundreds of simple everyday things you can do, it’s just up to you to make them a part of your routine!
We hope you’ve found these tips helpful and will practice them in your daily routine! Remember with just a little effort you can make a huge impact and help our environment. If you’re planning a project, whether a household clean out, landscape project, or home remodel call us at Waste Solutions 123 for an affordable dumpster rental!